Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Strongly Typed Session Using MVC3 And Spring.NET - Part - 2

In my previous post, we saw why its a good idea to have strongly typed HTTP Session. In this post we will do the real thing (well at least first part of the real thing).

Using Sping.NET we can control the objects lifecycle. By default the Objects configured in Spring.NET are Singleton for the entire application (singleton for scope="application"). Singleton for the entire application means, Spring.NET will create only one instance of the given object for the life-cycle of the application.  Service classes, DAO classes etc are a good fit for Singleton Pattern.

However, there are other Object Scopes that can be configured in Spring.NET.  These Scope's tell Spring.NET that, A given object is singleton but in a given scope.

One of the interesting scope is sessionSession scope is only available if we use a web-aware Spring IApplicationContext implementation.  For such objects, Spring.NET would create one instance per HTTP Session.  In this post we will see how we could take advante of the session scope, to create Strongly typed session in an MVC3 application.

Enough blabber.  Let see how exactly its done.

How do they do it!

As we had seen in one of the previous post to Integrate Spring.NET with MVC3 application, we had used the Spring.Context.Support.MvcContextHandler.  This class instantiates Spring.Context.Support.MvcApplicationContext, which in turn initializes the spring application context.

Support for session scope is porivded by spring.web.dll.  Unfortunately, as of Spring.NET 1.3.1, spring.web.mvc.dll does not depend on spring.web.dll, which effectively means, MvcApplicationContext is unaware of the session scope.

Hence, using just the MvcApplicationContext there is no way we can eable the session scope for a certain objects.  Its a bug you can find more details here.  But where there is will, there is a way!  There is obviously a way around this problem.

Here are the steps to enable full session scope support for any object in Spring.NET 1.3.1
  • Update the web.config to use a custom WebContextHandler
  • Register the spring WebSupportModule in web.config under the <httpModule> section for IIS6 and under the <modules> section for IIS7+
  • Implement the custom WebcontextHandler.  Override the property DefaultApplicationContextType.  This property informs Spring.NET about the class type of ApplicationContext that Spring.NET should instantiate.  This will be again a custom class that extends from Spring.Context.Support.MvcApplicationContext.
  • Implement the custom class that inherits from Spring.Context.Support.MvcApplicationContext.  This class will basically override two methods
    • CreateXmlObjectDefinitionReader to return the instance of WebObjectDefinitionReader
    • CreateObjectFactory to return the instance of WebObjectFactory
That's it!  We have now successfully enabled the session scope for Spring.NET 1.3.1.  Let look at the actual code.

Step - 1 - Update the web.config to use a custom WebContextHandler

Update the web.config configSection to look like

The class aspnetwebFormsWithMvc3App.Context.MvcWebContextHandler is our custom class where we will override the property DefaultApplicationContextType.

Step - 2 - Register the spring WebSupportModule in web.config under the <httpModule> section for IIS6 and under the <modules> section for IIS7+ 

Adding the spring module for IIS6 and IIS7

Step - 3 - Implement the custom WebcontextHandler

Lets look at the custom WebcontextHadler class aspnetwebFormsWithMvc3App.Context.MvcWebContextHandler

As you can see this class is pretty simple, it just overrides the property DefaultApplicationContextType to return the class type of custom WebApplicationContext.

Step - 4 - Implement the custom class that inherits from Spring.Context.Support.MvcApplicationContext

This is the class where the real work is done.
That's it! We have successfully enabled the session scope in MVC3 application using Spring.NET.

Question is: What is all this supposed to do with Strongly typed sessions?

In the next and the final post in this series, we will see how we can take advantage of session scoped objects to create the Strongly Typed Session in an MVC3 application using Spring.NET. 
Have some Fun!